Home / Blog / Air Conditioner Tips / Seasonal AC Maintenance Checklist: Preparing for Summer and Winter

Proper maintenance of your air conditioning system is crucial for ensuring its efficiency, longevity, and performance throughout the year. As seasons change, so do the demands on your AC unit. This comprehensive guide will walk you through essential maintenance tasks for both summer and winter, helping you keep your system in top shape year-round. By following this checklist, you can avoid unexpected breakdowns, reduce energy costs, and minimize the need for residential air conditioning repair in Bethesda.

Summer Maintenance Checklist:

  1. Clean or Replace Air Filters: Start your summer maintenance by inspecting and cleaning or replacing your AC’s air filters. Clogged filters restrict airflow, reducing efficiency and potentially damaging your system. Aim to clean or replace filters every 1-3 months, depending on usage and environmental factors.
  2. Clear Debris Around Outdoor Unit: Ensure the area around your outdoor condenser unit is free from leaves, grass clippings, and other debris. Maintain at least two feet of clearance around the unit to allow for proper airflow.
  3. Clean Evaporator and Condenser Coils: Over time, these coils can accumulate dirt and grime, reducing your AC’s efficiency. Gently clean the coils with a soft brush or a commercial coil cleaner. For thorough cleaning, consider hiring an AC repair contractor in Bethesda.
  4. Check and Clean Condensate Drain Line: A clogged drain line can lead to water damage and system malfunctions. Flush the drain line with a mixture of water and vinegar to prevent algae growth and blockages.
  5. Inspect and Tighten Electrical Connections: Loose electrical connections can cause system failure and pose safety risks. If you’re not comfortable with electrical work, this is best left to a professional.
  6. Test Thermostat Function: Ensure your thermostat is accurately reading temperatures and properly controlling your AC system. Consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat for improved efficiency.
  7. Check Refrigerant Levels: Low refrigerant levels can significantly impact your AC’s performance. If you suspect a refrigerant issue, contact a professional for residential air conditioning repair in Bethesda, as handling refrigerants requires specialized training and equipment.

Winter Maintenance Checklist:

  1. Cover Outdoor Unit: Protect your outdoor condenser unit from snow, ice, and debris by covering it with a breathable waterproof cover. Ensure the cover is secure but not airtight to prevent moisture buildup.
  2. Clean or Replace Air Filters: Just as in summer, maintaining clean air filters is crucial for system efficiency and indoor air quality.
  3. Inspect Insulation: Check the insulation around refrigerant lines that run from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit. Replace any damaged or missing insulation to prevent energy loss.
  4. Clean Air Vents and Registers: Remove and clean all air vents and registers throughout your home. This improves airflow and helps maintain indoor air quality.
  5. Schedule a Professional Inspection: Winter is an ideal time to have a thorough inspection of your AC system. An AC repair contractor in Bethesda can identify and address any issues before they become major problems in the summer.
  6. Check and Clean Heat Pump (if applicable): If your system includes a heat pump, ensure it’s free from ice buildup and operating correctly.
  7. Test Emergency Heat Function: For systems with heat pumps, test the emergency heat function to ensure it’s working properly in case of extremely cold weather.

Year-Round Maintenance Tips:

  1. Regular Visual Inspections: Perform monthly visual inspections of your AC system, looking for signs of wear, damage, or unusual noises.
  2. Keep Outdoor Unit Clear: Regardless of the season, always keep the area around your outdoor unit clear of debris, vegetation, and obstructions.
  3. Monitor Energy Bills: Keep an eye on your energy bills. A sudden increase could indicate a drop in your AC’s efficiency, signaling the need for maintenance or repair.
  4. Address Issues Promptly: Don’t ignore small problems or unusual noises. Addressing issues early can prevent more extensive and costly repairs down the line.
  5. Schedule Annual Professional Maintenance: While DIY maintenance is important, nothing replaces the expertise of a professional. Schedule annual maintenance with a reputable AC repair contractor in Bethesda to ensure your system is running at peak efficiency.


Regular maintenance is key to keeping your AC system running efficiently and reliably throughout the year. By following this seasonal checklist and addressing issues promptly, you can extend the life of your system, reduce energy costs, and ensure comfortable indoor temperatures regardless of the weather outside. Remember, while many maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, some require the expertise of a professional. Don’t hesitate to seek residential air conditioning repair in Bethesda when needed to keep your system in top shape.

For expert AC maintenance, installation, and repair services in Bethesda and surrounding areas, trust the professionals at AVS Heating and Air Conditioning. Our team of skilled technicians is committed to keeping your AC system running smoothly all year round. Don’t wait for a breakdown to occur – contact AVS Heating and Air Conditioning today at 703-457-9028 to schedule your seasonal maintenance or address any AC concerns you may have.