Home / Blog / Air Conditioner Tips / What to Do When Your AC Breaks Down: Immediate Steps to Take

A malfunctioning air conditioner can quickly turn a comfortable home into an unbearable environment, especially during the hot summer months. When your AC system suddenly stops working, it’s essential to know the immediate steps you can take to mitigate the situation and get your cooling system back on track. This guide will walk you through the crucial actions to take when faced with an AC breakdown, helping you stay cool and composed while addressing the issue effectively.

Don’t Panic – Assess the Situation

The first and most important step is to remain calm. Panicking won’t solve the problem and might lead to hasty, potentially harmful decisions. Take a deep breath and systematically assess the situation:

  • Check if the problem is affecting the entire house or just one area.
  • Note any unusual sounds, smells, or visible issues with the AC unit.
  • Try to recall any recent changes or events that might have triggered the breakdown.

Check the Thermostat

Before assuming the worst, start with the simplest possible cause – the thermostat. Ensure that:

  • The thermostat is set to “Cool” mode.
  • The temperature setting is below the current room temperature.
  • The battery is functioning (for battery-operated thermostats).
  • The display is working and showing the correct information.

Sometimes, a simple thermostat reset or battery change can resolve the issue without the need for emergency AC repair in Falls Church.

Inspect the Circuit Breaker

If the thermostat isn’t the culprit, check your home’s electrical panel. Look for any tripped breakers associated with your AC system. If you find one:

  • Switch it fully to the “Off” position, then back to “On.”
  • If it trips again immediately, don’t attempt to reset it further – this could indicate a more serious electrical issue.

Clean or Replace the Air Filter

A clogged air filter can cause your AC to malfunction or shut down. Locate your system’s air filter and inspect it. If it’s visibly dirty:

  • For disposable filters: Replace with a new one.
  • For reusable filters: Clean according to manufacturer instructions.

While this may not solve all AC issues, it’s an essential maintenance step that can prevent many problems.

Check the Outdoor Unit

Inspect the outdoor condensing unit for any obvious issues:

  • Ensure it’s free from debris like leaves, grass clippings, or branches.
  • Listen for any unusual sounds coming from the unit.
  • Look for signs of damage or refrigerant leaks (oily residue around connections).

Do not attempt to open or repair the outdoor unit yourself, as this requires specialized knowledge and tools.

Examine the Condensate Drain Line

AC systems remove humidity from the air, producing water that needs to drain properly. A clogged drain line can cause the system to shut down. Check if:

  • There’s standing water around the indoor unit.
  • The drain pan is overflowing.
  • The drain line (usually a PVC pipe) is visibly clogged or damaged.

You can try clearing minor clogs by flushing the line with vinegar or hot water, but be cautious to avoid causing water damage.

Consider the Age and Maintenance History of Your AC

If your AC system is older or hasn’t been serviced regularly, it may be more prone to breakdowns. Consider:

  • When was the last professional maintenance performed?
  • How old is your AC system? (Most systems last 10-15 years)
  • Have you noticed decreasing efficiency or increasing energy bills?

This information can help you decide whether to seek repairs or consider a replacement.

Implement Temporary Cooling Measures

While waiting for professional help, take steps to keep your space as cool as possible:

  • Close blinds and curtains to block out sunlight.
  • Use fans to circulate air.
  • Avoid using heat-generating appliances.
  • Stay hydrated and use cool compresses if needed.

Know When to Call for Professional Help

While some AC issues can be resolved with simple troubleshooting, many require professional expertise. Contact an AC repair contractor in Falls Church if:

  • You’ve tried the above steps and the AC still isn’t working.
  • There are unusual noises, smells, or visible damage to the system.
  • You’re uncomfortable performing any of the checks yourself.
  • The AC is frequently breaking down or performing poorly.

Choose a Reliable AC Repair Service

When seeking emergency AC repair in Falls Church, look for a service that offers:

  • 24/7 emergency services
  • Licensed and insured technicians
  • Clear pricing and service guarantees
  • Positive customer reviews and testimonials

Remember, a reputable AC repair contractor in Falls Church can not only fix the immediate issue but also provide valuable advice on preventing future breakdowns.


Facing an AC breakdown can be stressful, but knowing the immediate steps to take can help you manage the situation effectively. By following this guide, you can potentially resolve minor issues on your own and make informed decisions about when to seek professional help. Remember, regular maintenance is key to preventing unexpected breakdowns and ensuring your AC system’s longevity and efficiency. Don’t wait for a crisis to occur – schedule regular check-ups with a trusted HVAC professional to keep your system running smoothly year-round.

Don’t let AC breakdowns leave you in the heat. For prompt, reliable emergency AC repair in Falls Church and the surrounding areas, trust the experts at AVS Heating and Air Conditioning. Our team of skilled technicians is available 24/7 to address your AC emergencies and keep your home comfortable. Call us now at 703-457-9028 for immediate assistance or to schedule a maintenance check to prevent future breakdowns. Stay cool and comfortable with AVS Heating and Air Conditioning – your trusted partner in home comfort.